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Is Excess Calcium Blocking Your Cosmic Flow?  

During her 2nd Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) session, a client shared with me how much she has been receiving (especially financially) and manifesting positive changes in the last couple of months.  

I was excited for her AND this didn’t surprise me either.  She had been diligently implementing the health and lifestyle changes I recommended for the last 6 months and her Hair Test showed that she had been detoxing heavy metals and eliminating calcification from her body.  

We all have heard how harmful heavy metals are for our brain, liver, kidneys, and more.  But a high tissue level of calcium, which begins to act like a “concrete wall” inside your body, can also impact your endocrine functions (thyroid, adrenals, etc.) dramatically.  Excess tissue calcium literally blocks you electrically and energetically from being in the Cosmic Flow.  

This is because the “wall of calcium” acts like a concrete silo that blocks your physical body’s internal signals, making it harder for you to stay open to possibilities and receive gifts from the Universe.  When you are trapped behind this calcium wall, it becomes difficult for you to hear your inner and outer wisdom and guidance—imagine standing inside a silo trying to hear and be heard—despite your daily meditation, positive affirmations, and spiritual practices.   

In my practice, I’ve seen again and again over the years that the “wall of calcium” is especially common with highly sensitive people and empaths—spiritually minded individuals who have tendencies toward:

  • depression

  • chronic fatigue

  • insomnia

  • physical pain

  • defensiveness

  • weight gain around hips and thighs 

  • thyroid hypofunction

  • psychological withdrawal

  • struggling to thrive despite their best efforts

What is inside is what shows up in your outer life, and vise versa.  And as the ancient Greek physician Herophilos points out, when health is absent you cannot manifest your greatest potential, despite the fact that the Universe is always reaching for us, speaking to us, supporting us, and connecting to the core of who we are.  

In the midst of dynamic shifts and tempestuous times that we are living in, we are all being asked to elevate our vibrations so we can become beacons of light.  We are questioning and breaking down the old agendas, regimes and systems that never supported the highest good for all people and in fact suppressed human potential.  Just as the dismantling of archaic and racist systems is happening in real time, we are also being asked to question and remove our old habits and routines that have never supported our wellbeing and optimal health.  

That being said, after years of working with and guiding clients, I know how difficult it can be to change your ways without addressing the accumulation of toxins, environmental burdens in the body, heavy metals, AND calcification of your tissues.  It can feel like a catch-22 for a long time before desired changes emerge.  

Putting it into practice

But there are things you can do right now to make a positive difference!  Since I tend to work from the physiological standpoint first, I recommend the following practices to begin addressing the calcium wall that may be thwarting your capacity for rejuvenation, abundance, healing, and harvesting the Cosmic Flow that is waiting for you.  

  1. Drink plenty of pure water daily (not sparkling water)

  2. Take magnesium 

  3. Cultivate strong stomach acid, especially for protein digestion

  4. Do not overcomplicate your meals—this slows down your digestion

  5. Check your vitamin D3 level to make sure you have an adequate amount 

  6. Detox heavy metals and other “calcium mimicking minerals” 

  7. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, sugar (CATS), Nutrasweet, MSG and other stimulants 

  8. Avoid non-ionized Ca supplements (please discuss this with your doctor)