

Even A Healthy Diet Can’t Beat Lifestyle Overdrive

Even A Healthy Diet Can’t Beat Lifestyle Overdrive

An all-too-common complaint from people we see—many of them first-time clients—goes something like this: 

“I eat super healthy foods, only organic, I exercise all the time, and yet I’m still exhausted and find it hard to lose weight.  What am I missing?” 

The "Perfect Diet" Begins with Daily Lifestyle

The "Perfect Diet" Begins with Daily Lifestyle

People often say to us, “You’re Nutritional Therapists—is there a perfect diet for everyone?”  As much as we’d like to say yes, it’s simply impossible to come up with a single one-size-fits-all diet.  In fact, the word “diet” comes from an ancient Greek word, “dieta”, which essentially means “all that you do in a day”.