

The Responsibility to Be Curious

The Responsibility to Be Curious

Fearing the unknown is natural, but ignoring it can be fatal.  When we become aware of sudden changes in our symptomology—our physical, mental, and emotional expressions of what is happening right now—our first reaction does not need to be denial or a terrified “Oh, no!”. 

Nutrition Is About Life Itself, Not Just Food

Nutrition Is About Life Itself, Not Just Food

Nutrition IS about food choices—make no mistake about that!  What we eat does matter—its quality, source, cleanness, and balance of nutrients.  But so does what time we eat, how much we eat, how we’re feeling when we eat, who we’re eating with, how we digest what we eat, how we use the energy we consume, and so on. 

Diet and Depression Relief

Diet and Depression Relief

Scientists from New Zealand and Australia conducted a recent study confirming what holistic nutritional clinicians have long known.  Depression (and so many other of today’s common conditions) can be relieved, and even eliminated with a balanced, nutrient-dense diet