
Whole Body

Diet and Depression Relief

Diet and Depression Relief

Scientists from New Zealand and Australia conducted a recent study confirming what holistic nutritional clinicians have long known.  Depression (and so many other of today’s common conditions) can be relieved, and even eliminated with a balanced, nutrient-dense diet

A Matter of Faith

A Matter of Faith

Just the other day, Masami and I were out for a walk to a lovely open space park by our house, and during a moment of pause in our conversation, a sudden realization struck me. 

There was a complete absence of negative or critical self-talk in my mind. 

Stress: The (Not So) Silent Killer

Stress: The (Not So) Silent Killer

One of the most important things to understand about your body is that every stress you experience causes a blood sugar and hormonal reaction.  In other words, stress affects your entire system every time.

Untangling Thoughts and Feelings

Untangling Thoughts and Feelings

Thoughts and feelings are often sticky—so sticky, in fact, that they tend to become indistinguishable from each other.  So how can we tell if we are reacting or responding, operating from thoughts or feelings?  What’s the difference and does it even matter?

Back Pain: A Sign of Nutritional Imbalances?

Back Pain: A Sign of Nutritional Imbalances?

Many people struggle with lower back pain and tightness, as well as instability in the sacrum/hip area.  But simply doing yoga poses, stretches, massages, getting regular chiropractic adjustments, or acupuncture will only give you temporary relief, because these symptoms are generally not just structural, but also the result of nutritional deficiencies and long-term (chronic) effects of stress on the body. 

Nutrition and Spirituality: An Essential Link for Our Nourishment

Nutrition and Spirituality: An Essential Link for Our Nourishment

Nutrition is the science and practice of meeting the body’s nutrient needs, the process of providing it with the nourishment required to build its tissues and capacities, and fuel its regeneration and growth.  We all have bodies, so we all require physical nourishment.  Period.